Zapret’i kurdum fakat hala Discord’a erişim sağlayamıyorum.
zapret config dosyası:
# this file is included from init scripts
# change values here
# can help in case /tmp has not enough space
# redefine user for zapret daemons. required on Keenetic
# override firewall type : iptables,nftables,ipfw
# nftables only : set this to 0 to use pre-nat mode. default is post-nat.
# pre-nat mode disables some bypass techniques for forwarded traffic but allows to see client IP addresses in debug log
# options for ipsets
# maximum number of elements in sets. also used for nft sets
# too low hashsize can cause memory allocation errors on low RAM systems , even if RAM is enough
# too large hashsize will waste lots of RAM
IPSET_OPT="hashsize 262144 maxelem $SET_MAXELEM"
# dynamically generate additional ip. $1 = ipset/nfset/table name
# options for ip2net. "-4" or "-6" auto added by ipset create script
IP2NET_OPT4="--prefix-length=22-30 --v4-threshold=3/4"
IP2NET_OPT6="--prefix-length=56-64 --v6-threshold=5"
# options for auto hostlist
# 1 = debug autohostlist positives to ipset/zapret-hosts-auto-debug.log
# number of parallel threads for domain list resolves
# ipset/*.sh can compress large lists
# command to reload ip/host lists after update
# comment or leave empty for auto backend selection : ipset or ipfw if present
# on BSD systems with PF no auto reloading happens. you must provide your own command
# set to "-" to disable reload
#LISTS_RELOAD="pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf"
# mark bit used by nfqws to prevent loop
# tpws socks listens on this port on localhost and LAN interfaces
# use <HOSTLIST> and <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> placeholders to engage standard hostlists and autohostlist in ipset dir
# hostlist markers are replaced to empty string if MODE_FILTER does not satisfy
# <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> appends ipset/zapret-hosts-auto.txt as normal list
--filter-tcp=80 --methodeol <HOSTLIST> --new
--filter-tcp=443 --split-pos=1,midsld --disorder <HOSTLIST>
# use <HOSTLIST> and <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> placeholders to engage standard hostlists and autohostlist in ipset dir
# hostlist markers are replaced to empty string if MODE_FILTER does not satisfy
# <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> appends ipset/zapret-hosts-auto.txt as normal list
--filter-tcp=80 --methodeol <HOSTLIST> --new
--filter-tcp=443 --split-pos=1,midsld --disorder <HOSTLIST>
# redirect outgoing traffic with connbytes limiter applied in both directions.
# PKT_OUT means connbytes dir original
# PKT_IN means connbytes dir reply
# this is --dpi-desync-cutoff=nX kernel mode implementation for linux. it saves a lot of CPU.
# redirect outgoing traffic without connbytes limiter and incoming with connbytes limiter
# normally it's needed only for stateless DPI that matches every packet in a single TCP session
# typical example are plain HTTP keep alives
# this mode can be very CPU consuming. enable with care !
# use <HOSTLIST> and <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> placeholders to engage standard hostlists and autohostlist in ipset dir
# hostlist markers are replaced to empty string if MODE_FILTER does not satisfy
# <HOSTLIST_NOAUTO> appends ipset/zapret-hosts-auto.txt as normal list
NFQWS_OPT="--dpi-desync=fakeddisorder --dpi-desync-ttl=1 --dpi-desync-autottl=5 --dpi-desync-split-pos=1"
# none,ipset,hostlist,autohostlist
# openwrt only : donttouch,none,software,hardware
# openwrt: specify networks to be treated as LAN. default is "lan"
#OPENWRT_LAN="lan lan2 lan3"
# openwrt: specify networks to be treated as WAN. default wans are interfaces with default route
#OPENWRT_WAN4="wan vpn"
#OPENWRT_WAN6="wan6 vpn6"
# for routers based on desktop linux and macos. has no effect in openwrt.
# or leave them commented if its not router
# it's possible to specify multiple interfaces like this : IFACE_LAN="eth0 eth1 eth2"
# if IFACE_WAN6 is not defined it take the value of IFACE_WAN
#IFACE_WAN6="ipsec0 wireguard0 he_net"
# should start/stop command of init scripts apply firewall rules ?
# not applicable to openwrt with firewall3+iptables
# firewall apply hooks
# do not work with ipv4
# do not work with ipv6
# select which init script will be used to get ip or host list
# possible values :
# comment if not required
systemctl status zapret :
● zapret.service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/zapret.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2025-01-11 17:19:27 +03; 4min 45s ago
Invocation: 71633d3370de44c58e09aef291eb0581
Process: 36252 ExecStart=/opt/zapret/init.d/sysv/zapret start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 18874)
Memory: 500K (peak: 8M)
CPU: 318ms
CGroup: /system.slice/zapret.service
└─36288 /opt/zapret/nfq/nfqws --user=tpws --dpi-desync-fwmark=0x40000000 --qnum=200 --dpi-desync=fakeddisorder --dpi-desync-ttl=1 --dpi-desync-autottl=5 --dpi-desync-split-pos=1
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 systemd[1]: Starting zapret.service...
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Starting daemon 3: /opt/zapret/nfq/nfqws --user=tpws --dpi-desync-fwmark=0x40000000 --qnum=200 --dpi-desync=fakeddisorder --dpi-desync-ttl=1 --dpi-desync-autottl=5 --dpi-desync-split-pos=1
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Applying iptables
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Creating ip list table (firewall type iptables)
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36294]: setting high oom kill priority
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36294]: reloading ipset backend (no-update)
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Inserting iptables rule for nfqws postrouting (qnum 200) : -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -m connbytes --connbytes-dir=original --connbytes-mode=packets --connbytes 1:9
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Inserting iptables rule for nfqws input+forward (qnum 200) : -p tcp -m multiport --sports 80,443 -m connbytes --connbytes-dir=reply --connbytes-mode=packets --connbytes 1:3
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 zapret[36252]: Inserting iptables rule for nfqws postrouting (qnum 200) : -p udp -m multiport --dports 443 -m connbytes --connbytes-dir=original --connbytes-mode=packets --connbytes 1:9
Oca 11 17:19:27 ThinkPad-E480 systemd[1]: Started zapret.service. scriptin size verdiği çeşitli stratejilerden, https olanları dikkate alabilirsiniz, seçmeniz gerekiyor. Bu sağlayıcıdan sağlayıcıya seçmeniz gereken strateji değişebilir.
Burada yasagidim sorunu cozdugunuz icin ayrica rehber icin de cok tesekkur ederim. Ancak bir sorum var, zapret sadece tarayicida mi calisiyor yoksa masaustu uygulamalari icin de calisiyor mu? Discord’a webden girmek zorunda miyim acaba?
discordun uygulamasi internete baglanmiyor. VPN kullandigim zaman acabiliyorum ancak zapret ile sadece tarayicidan erisimim oluyor. Strateji degistirip deneyecegim, tesekkurler
yukarida stratejilerin outputunu atmistim, bazilari direkt calismiyor. Hangilerini kullanmami onerirsiniz?
Belki bu yardimci olur, nasil kullanacaginizi biliyorsunuzdur. Rehberde mevcut, egerki olmazsa siz kendiniz random bir strateji secin veya sirasiyla vaktiniz var ise bir kismini deneyin.
Openwrt’de zapret üzerinde onları denedim ama ne hostname ne de ip’ler çalışmadı. Aksine blacklist yada whitelist düzenleyince zapret çalışmayı durduruyor garip bi şekilde.
ben kurarken /opt dizinine taşıdığım için uyarı vermişti zaten bu dizin dolu filan diye. İsterseniz Downloads dizininde kurulumu başlatabilirsiniz kendisi /opt’e dizine taşıyor.
config dosyasında ki sanırım ayarlardan dolayı oldu bende ilk yaptığımda bazı sitelere girememiştim. Blocklist scriptinden verdiği şeylerin hepini eklemedim bir deneme yanılma yolu ile her yere girdiğimi seçtim.
sudo vim /opt/zapret/config
sudo vim /opt/zapret/config
--tlsrec=midsld --oob
--tlsrec=midsld --disorder